
快讯!TVB Anywhere正式入驻TVPAD官方商城

2016年05月03日 产品资讯 评论 2 条 阅读 8,673 次





TVB Anywhere now available in TVpad official store. To give the overseas emmigrants a better Cantonese TV service.This TVB anywhere service is specially for TVpad4 users.

The trial time is limited. If audiences want to continue to watch more than 50 channels, 3000 hours chosen programs, then please call the customer service in your region.


Shortly TVpad and TVB agreed strategically to collaborate, to develop overseas TV market. According to our information, the focus of this strong-strong collaboration is to exclusively settle the TVB's app, TVB anywhere into the TVpad official app store. Users can install the TVB Anywhere app by themselves. That means there is a great choice besides the existing Cantonese apps. This collaboration is a good example that TVpad will work with more excellent TV content provider apps in the future. More choices, more indemnification, so what are you waiting for? Just open the apps market to experience.

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